Light Competence Center

Competency that livens up light: the RZB Light Competence Center.

Without light there would be no life at all; but without life, light would be a mere implement.

Thus everything we make and design aims for far more than mere functionality, for we resolutely set our sights on the world of beauty and the lively and often even magical interplay between people, light, technology, art, architecture and design.

The Light Competence Center is all about light, innovation, research and development. Bringing its building blocks to life is not only an objective, but also a mission, from the R&D center with its demo lab, to high tech production facilities, to workshop products. From the product forum, where the striking designs and lighting effects of our products are impressively demonstrated, to the light forum, with its breathtaking displays on light as a physical phenomenon and masterful building lighting solutions. From our Kunst im Licht (“Art in light”) presentation featuring displays of paintings and sculptures in our flagship building, to the open-air “lighting art mile” featuring our illuminated mascots Lux, Lumen and Candela, to our opulent multicolored skyline.

RZB’s Light Competence Center is more than just a competency center; for it is also a center of excellence for research, a communication platform, and a presentation forum that serves the cause of light, life and humanity.

RZB’s Light Competence Center is more than just a competency center; for it is also a center of excellence for research, a communication platform, and a presentation forum that serves the cause of light, life and humanity.